Temperature and Humidity

Temperature should be kept between 55°F-75°F. Humidity level should be kept between 35%-50% to ensure minimal wood movement.

Routine Cleaning

Dry mop the floor daily to eliminate dust buildup. As needed, tack floor with PoloPlaz Hardwood Floor Cleaner to remove perspiration, oils, spills and residue from foot traffic. Do not use dust mop treatments or floor cleaners that contain wax, paraffin, silicone and mineral oil. Do not use pre-treated dust mops. Use of these products can cause adhesion problems when recoating the floor. Dirt, sand and grit will dull and accelerate the wear of the finish. Place floor mats or rugs at all entryways, bathroom exits or other high traffic areas to remove excessive dirt or moisture. Spills or liquids on the floor should be wiped up immediately.

Power Scrubbers

Never use power scrubbers or automatic floor cleaning machines that disperse water on the floor (especially water under pressure). The use of scrubber machines will void the warranty on your floor. Power scrubbers were designed for other surfaces, such as terrazzo and vinyl floors. Even the softest brushes will scratch and dull the finish. The chemicals typically used in these machines are too aggressive for wood and finishes. The machine’s liquid and scrubbing action can cup the floor, and pull paint and finish from the wood.

Floor Covers and Mats

Gym floor covers should never be used on a freshly finished floor until at least three weeks after the last coat of finish has been applied. For complete curing, the finish surface must be exposed to oxygen in the ambient air. Covering the floor during this process would deny the oxygen needed to complete this reaction, potentially resulting in a partially cured coating with poor physical properties. Also, it is imperative that the floor be cleaned before the cover is laid. Otherwise, any grit or dust on the floor will mar the floor when the cover is walked on or when any loads are moved on the floor. Covers should not be taped to the floors. The adhesive in most tapes will attack the finish and result in delamination.